Monday, February 28, 2011

A Day Of Giving

Oliver handing over school supplies.
 And what a day it was! We all woke up early and started carrying back packs and supplies down four flights of stairs. Everyone was excited and even the guest house staff all pitched in helping us. Biju had arranged a vehicle to pick up the supplies and after it was all loaded we were all off to the school. It was a buzz of excitement as we off loaded, everyone trying to catch a peak at what was happening. The school had invited all the parents to attend as it was a big event for them. First all the children were lined up and we were formally welcomed by the school with a speech. They asked me to say a few words and Biju translated it. We handed to supplies and back packs to each child and the vice principal gave each child a tika as they received their gift. The children were called and their parents escorted them. It is a moment I will never forget, a smile a thank you and a moment of connecting with each child. It made all the hard work worth it as the children clasped their back packs. I so wish we were able to give each child a back pack, but we hope to do it soon. Every child received a package of school and art supplies. A big thank you to everyone that made this possible. Then after everyone received their gifts there was another speech and all the teachers received tika’s and scarfs. We felt very honored when asked to participate. Greg gave the teachers a tika and I handed them the scarfs thanking them for their work. The local newspapers were there to report on the story and it was in two newspapers after the event. We then enjoyed a small meal with the school that consisted of a slice of apple, a sweet and a local snack. It was such a special day and I wished everybody could have been there to see the joy and smiles of the children.  We all can make a difference no matter how small it may seem as you never know where it might lead. We have taken the first few steps on a journey that has been such a rollercoaster of emotions, happiness, sadness, joy and frustration.
Greg in a moment.
Me handing over the backpacks.
Nicole with the children.
Oliver receiving thanks.

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